Woodford Arts Group Spring Exhibition 2024 • Vision RCL

Woodford Arts Group Spring Exhibition 2024

Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure are working in partnership Woodford Arts Group (WAG) to bring a wonderful free inclusive Spring Exhibition at the Sir James Hawkey Hall, Broomhill Road, Woodford Green IG8 0GB. Open from Saturday 9 to Tuesday 12 March, 11am to 6pm.

Today, the WAG showcases the work of artists from the Woodford area. The Group represents some of the best contemporary artists working in different forms of art such as watercolour, oil painting, sculpture, ceramics, printing and drawing. Demonstrations of these various art forms will be conducted throughout the Exhibition.

Taking a step back from the visual arts The Redbridge Music Lounge have been included in the arts mix and will be performing at the weekend. Local schools contributing artworks are Ray Lodge, Woodford County High School for Girls and Woodford Green Prep.

To lovers of the visual arts, music or the curious who wish to see how art is made, this exhibition offers a unique opportunity on their doorstep.

Seating is available at the venue, and it is fully accessible. If you have any questions please contact us at culture@visionrcl.org.uk