Celebrate all things LGBT+ with Vision RCL this February • Vision RCL

Celebrate all things LGBT+ with Vision RCL this February

This year Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure will mark the 18th year anniversary of LGBT+ History month celebrations in Redbridge. LGBT+ History Month, an annual month-long observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements.

Throughout February Vision RCL services dedicate time to celebrate and promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the Redbridge community. In support of the celebrations Redbridge Council will also be raising the LGBT+ flag at Redbridge Town Hall in Ilford.

Redbridge Libraries the main contributor and coordinator of the programme, will kick-off the celebrations on 1 February with a special book chat based on the novel `My Policeman’ – a tragic tale of thwarted love by Bethan Roberts. Followed by Amateo Award winning Laugh-Able Comedy Night with 5-Star Comedian Andrew Max O’Neill headlining. A psychedelic non-binary whirlwind, combining surrealism, polemic and good old-fashioned stagecraft to produce uniquely counter-cultural stand-up.

Positive East will be offering free, fast and confidential HIV testing at Redbridge Central Library on Thursday 23 February. Rapid HIV testing with results provided in seconds. Positive East’s trained sexual health advisors will also be available for a chat around any issue.

Once again Redbridge Museum will be collecting stories from LGBTQ+ Redbridge community, from anyone who lives or have lived in Redbridge, identify as LGBTQ+, and have photos, films, clothes, items or memories to share. Whilst Redbridge Museum is closed for re-development they will be offering an online children’s craft activity, Brilliant Badges – a mix of craft and activism creating peaceful protest badges from home.

The Redbridge Schools Library Service have curated a special collection of recommended reads for LGBT+ History Month including well-known authors such as Alex Gino and Phil Stamper. Books from the collection can be borrowed from Vision’s fantastic Virtual and physical Libraries which give library members free access to thousands of books, audiobooks and magazines.

Library members can also watch films and documentaries through Vision’s entertainment platform Kanopy which includes a specially curated LGBTQ collection of films, including World Cinema, drama, comedy, romance and foreign language, ranging from independent and award-winning films and Hollywood blockbusters.

For more information visit our LGBT+ History Month page.