Barbecues are not permitted at any of our parks and open spaces.
About the park
Barley Lane Recreation Ground is conveniently situated for relaxing after shopping or commuting around this busy hub.
Park at a glance
We have 10 parks across the borough with tennis courts that are available to book during park open times.
Cost to hire the courts:
- Monday – Friday up to 12noon – FREE
- Monday – Friday 12-5pm – £2.50
- Monday – Friday 5pm to closing & weekends – £5

Redbridge hosts a range of bowls clubs around the borough, offering tournaments and other events through membership.
To find out more about the Barley Bowls Club contact 01268 540 078 / martin.chissm@hotmail.com
Support your local park
Your donation will help us continue to care for and maintain our parks and allow them to be enjoyed by you, your family and future generations.