Holocaust Memorial Day • Vision RCL

Holocaust Memorial Day

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We invite the Redbridge community to join us in commemorating victims of persecution in a special service on Holocaust Memorial Day, Friday 26 January at 10am. It will be held at the Holocaust Memorial Garden, Valentines Park.

Map of Valentines Park including location of Holocaust Memorial Garden

The service will feature a number of speakers including the Mayor of Redbridge, Redbridge Council Leader, faith leaders and more.

There will be readings by Students from Redbridge Schools. The Deputy Mayor of Redbridge, Faith leaders will lay a wreath of remembrance for all faiths in unity. Other representatives and groups will also have the opportunity to lay wreaths.

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. 49 years after the Holocaust ended, 19 years after the genocide in Cambodia, the world stood by as Hutu extremists shattered the fragile freedom in Rwanda, following decades of tension and violence, culminating in the murder of over one million Tutsis in just one hundred days.

Holocaust survivor Susan Pollack MBE visited us at Valentines Mansion and shared her experiences during the Holocaust and the importance of commemorating the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. Watch Susan's story via youtube.

Join the nation and Light the Darkness at 8pm on 27 January light a candle and put safely in your window, to remember those who were murdered for who they were and to stand against prejudice today.

Redbridge Libraries have curated booklists for young people and for adults to widen knowledge and understanding of the holocaust and genocides:

There are special curated Holocaust Memorial Day collections of eBooks and eAudiobooks available on Libby:

For more information please visit the Holocaust Memorial Day website.


Friday, 26 Jan 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am