LGBT+ History Month Book Chat

Our special LGBT+ History Month Book Chat is perfect if you enjoy reading and discussing books with LGBT+ themes.
The discussion will be focused on Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart. Published in 2022, the novel follows Mungo Hamilton, a teenager navigating a life of poverty and parental neglect in early 1990s Glasgow. When he falls in love with a boy named James, Mungo must confront the homophobia, toxic masculinity and religious conflicts of the society of his time. Young Mungo is “an all-consuming, Romeo & Juliet forbidden love trope, intertwined with homosexuality, religious divides, and economic struggles, topped off with a sprinkling of family troubles and alcoholism” and “…… near impossible to put down.” (The Independent)
If you would like to read or listen to Young Mungo, you can borrow a copy from your local library. If you have difficulty getting a copy of the book don’t worry – other LGBT+ titles can also be recommended and discussed.
The book chat is free and will take place at Redbridge Central Library and on Teams. If you’d like to take part, please book on Eventbrite for further details and to receive the Teams joining instructions.
This event is part of our LGBT+ History Month celebrations.