Group Cycling • Vision RCL

Group Cycling


We offer comprehensive coaching packages for schools and groups with British Cycling coaches. These sessions are only £82.00 per hour for up to 15 riders and includes bikes, helmets and use of the tracks. Sessions can be ‘one off’ or a series of progressive coaching sessions over a number of weeks. We can deliver coaching on mountain biking or road racing or general improvements for younger riders. For PE GCSE we can coach and grade pupils for the cycling module part of the curriculum.


If you are interested in a corporate booking we can help you get the best out of your day. We can deliver coaching and offer team building exercises or for the more competitive we can run races and competitions. We have equipment on site for hire as well as rooms and can also provide catering.

For further information on booking the centre or a group booking package please contact us on 0208 500 9359 or email