We are so pleased to confirm that Jasmine, our Shetland pony has been found safe and well and is back home where she belongs at Hainault Forest. She had been dumped in a garden in Loughton late last night and was looked after by the residents until farm staff were able to pick her up.
Although a bit subdued, Jasmine was ok physically and has since had a thorough health check by the farm vet and is in good health. She was just hungry and thirsty and smelt of engine oil, so will be getting a thorough pampering today.
It was a very special moment for farm staff as Jasmine was reunited with her mother Bella, who had clearly been missing her. Jasmine was so happy to be back on familiar territory and couldn’t wait to get back to her home on the farm. The photo shows Jasmine and Bella together.
Vision would like to thank everyone that got behind the Facebook campaign for their help and support, so many people gave up their time to physically search for her, share our Facebook posts online and spread the story by word of mouth to keep her plight firmly in the spotlight which we are sure is the main factor in her return.
Thank you also to all those people for their kind offers of help with transport and the wonderful group of people who kept her safe until our staff could collect her.
There have also been sightings reported of the missing peacock and peahen but they haven’t been recovered yet, so please keep checking the forest and surrounding areas for any sign of these beautiful birds.
Heartfelt thanks to all of you. The Christmas spirit is now restored at Hainault Forest!