KMT Panto Cast Announced for 2023! • Vision RCL

KMT Panto Cast Announced for 2023!

The Kenneth More Theatre have now announced their principle cast for the 2023 pantomime, Peter Pan. This year’s panto is set to be another wondrous performance full of fun, magic and catchy music. Take a look at the cast below:

Peter Pan

A headshot of Marcus J Foreman, a white male with short brown hair wearing a dark grey jumper

Marcus J Foreman

Marcus is a new addition to the Kenneth More Theatre team but has performed in many different shows all over the UK. He will be flying high as Peter in his first KMT panto!

Wendy Darling

A headshot of Chloe Holder, a while female with medium length brown hair. She is smiling at the camera and is wearing a blue, ditsy floral patterned top.

Chloe Holder

Chloe has worked with the Kenneth More Theatre in many capacities and for a long time but lots of you may recognise her from when she played Ariel in The Little Mermaid. This Christmas she’ll be swapping fishy friends for The Lost Boys – but there might still be a few mermaids about!


A headshot of Lydia Hunt, a white female with medium length strawberry blonde hair. She is smiling at the camera and is wearing a blue button down shit

Lydia Hunt

Lydia is a recent Musical Theatre graduate and this will be her first time performing at the Kenneth More Theatre and will be bringing some fairy mischief with her!

Captain Hook

A headshot of Liam Harkins, a while male with short ginger hair and with some short facial hair. He is wearing a red and blue check button down shirt.

Liam Harkins

Liam will be back for his third pantomime at the Kenneth More Theatre. Previously featured as Abanazar in Aladdin and Claudia one of the `Ugly Sisters’ in Cinderella.

King Neptune

A headshot of Darren Hart, a black male with black hair in a medium length afro style. He is wearing a black tshirt.

Darren Hart

If you’ve been to see a pantomime in the last few years at the Kenneth More Theatre then you’ll most certainly recognise Darren! He was the Genie in Aladdin, Sebastian in The Little Mermaid, Prince Dandini in Sleeping Beauty, the Huntsman in Snow White and Prince Percy in Cinderella. We’re excited to have him back – huzzah!


A headshot of Finlay Mckillop, a white male with short brown hair. He is wearing a dark blue tshirt and a black shirt open over the top.

Finlay Mckillop

Finlay will be hopping aboard the KMT panto ship this year after being nominated for Best Newcomer at the UK Pantomime Awards 2023!

Auntie Agatha

A headshot of Joe Feeney, a white male with short brown hair. He is wearing a dark coloured knitted jumper.

Joe Feeney

Joe may not have been in a Kenneth More Theatre pantomime before but you might have seen him in Romeo & Juliet at the KMT last year.  He’ll be back to join us for panto 2023 – oh yes he will!

Tickets for Peter Pan at the Kenneth More Theatre are already on sale. You can buy your tickets using the button below: