Keeping Redbridge Wild • Vision RCL

Redbridge has a vast array of open spaces, from local parks to country parks. All types of green spaces are important and can contain a variety of habitats for the wealth of wildlife within the borough.

Did you know Redbridge is lucky enough to be home to 11 of the 18 species of bat found in the UK? Alongside bats Redbridge is also home to a number of species of birds, butterflies and many other creatures. Our Nature Conservation team host a number of events where you can observe these animals, and learn much more about them.

Watch our short video on Keeping Redbridge Wild below or watch on YouTube.

Natural Sources of Food

Within our green spaces there is already lots of natural food for wildlife, including insects, native plants and seeds, pollen, mosses and fungi, aquatic plants and grasses, and many more. These natural food sources offer wildlife a nutritious, balanced diet all year round that doesn’t need to be supplemented by public feeding, in fact, public feeding can actually be harmful to wildlife. Our Nature Conservation team alongside our helpful volunteers help maintain the parks in order to maintain their sources of food, which in turn helps the wildlife thrive.

With the hard work of the parks and Nature Conservation we provide an all healthy all year diet, which does not need supplementing. Redbridge parks are some of the most bio-diverse in London and all have some wildlife management taking place, especially our bigger parks and green spaces.

Why feeding can be harmful?

While feeding the animals may be fun, and be seen as a way to connect with the wildlife, feeding can actually be harmful to wildlife for a number of reasons.

  • Disrupting the natural food chain by introducing foreign foods to their diet, that may actually be harmful wildlife
  • Uneaten and soggy food within the bodies of water will reduce the quality of water for our aquatic animals.
  • Leftover food can attract rats
  • Feeding in one particular area can cause overcrowding in that particular area, which can cause stress to the animals
  • Bullying can occur among wildlife in competition for these foods, this can put particular species at risk.
  • Overcrowding by feeding in one particular area also risks the possibility of disease being spread

What can I do instead of feeding wildlife?

If you want to contribute to these habitats providing this rich resource, why not join us on one of our nature conservation volunteer days throughout the borough? Take part in our daily dose of nature and observe the wildlife we have, help us also to record it. and take part in our many nature activities which help improve the ecology of these wonderful green spaces, which will help sustain the wildlife and biodiversity of these wonderful habitats.

Enjoy wildlife by attending our observing sessions and try out our nature trails, and volunteer with us to help sustain and keep these green spaces beautiful for everyone to enjoy, including our numerous species of critters and creatures within the parks, and help connect with the wildlife in a more helpful way which allows them to thrive.

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