Vision and Print Impaired Peoples Promise • Vision RCL

Vision and Print Impaired Peoples Promise

Redbridge Libraries are safe trusted spaces for everyone, that’s why we have our Vision and Print Impaired Peoples Promise. We are a vital link for our communities and are accessible to all. We offer a home library service to the most vulnerable in our community and have a range of resources to support those who are Vision and Print Impaired. These include audio books, books in braille and assistive technology on our tablets and computers.

What we offer

Home Library Service

Redbridge Libraries provides a FREE home delivery service for Redbridge residents where you can borrow a variety of books and audiobooks. If you or someone you know has ill health, limited mobility, a visual impairment or any other difficulty leaving the home and would like to sign up, please get in touch with the Home Library Service so we can discuss needs and check eligibility.

Technology advice

Technology is a valuable tool for people with sight loss. Devices with the right software offer access to various resources. Smartphones usually have magnification and speech output for low or no vision users. If you’re visually impaired and need tech assistance, contact Graham Page at East London Vision for device advice and training. Call Graham at 07779 441000/020 3697 6464.

Virtual Library Service

We offer 24/7 access to our Virtual Library service, included with your Redbridge Libraries Membership. Gain access to eAudiobooks, eNewspapers and eMagazines which are inclusive of a read aloud feature.