The Health and Wellbeing activities below are offered in Redbridge Libraries.
Living Well @Redbridge Libraries
Redbridge Libraries offer space for local health, community and educational groups to have Information Stands and engage with the community. These can offer health and wellbeing literature, health monitoring and signposting, learning information, lifestyle advice, and more. These Information Stands can be at Redbridge Central Library and/or other libraries.
RedbridgeCVS Health Promotion
RedbridgeCVS runs Health Promotion Projects that aim to promote health and wellbeing to Redbridge residents. In the wake of the pandemic, other health issues have been pushed back and they are at risk of increasing to worrying rates. HIV and TB still affect people in our community and we offer awareness sessions that will educate people on how they can deal with them. Our HIV and TB sessions are conducted by our Health Buddies and they consist of a 20 to 45 minutes presentation, a quiz, and information on where people can find support, especially during this pandemic. Our Health Buddies can speak a range of languages including Bengali, Yoruba, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Swahili, Urdu, Hindi, Igbo, French, so we can tailor the session to meet your needs.
Technology Advice for Visually Impaired People
Technology can be a very valuable tool for learning and communication for people with various degrees of sight loss. By using a device with appropriate software you can have access to multiple resources, for example magnification capabilities can help to access an online newspaper and text to speech software can allow a person with no sight to produce and read emails and use the internet.
Almost all smart phones have magnification and speech output so they can be used by people with low or no vision.
If you are visually impaired and need help accessing and maintaining your device, Graham Page, an Access Technology Advisor at East London Vision, can assist you. He can help you decide what technology would be best for you and offer you training on how to use and maintain it. For more details, call Graham on 07779 441000/020 3697 6464.
Kiran Support Services Advice Surgery
Weekly drop-in advice surgeries for Asian women and children experiencing domestic violence.
For information please contact Amrita Kaur on 020 8558 1986 or 07967 818124 or