Summer Holiday Fun for Young People of Redbridge • Vision RCL

Summer Holiday Fun for Young People of Redbridge

Children and young people can look ahead to the joys of the summer holidays in Redbridge, as Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure has a fantastic array of events, activities, festivals, outdoor arts, and sporting opportunities.

Redbridge Holiday Mega Mix Returns
Redbridge Holiday Mega Mix returns to bring summer to life with a wealth of affordable taster sessions and workshops for children aged 8 to 16. Activities include swim for £1 at Fullwell Cross, Loxford, and Mayfield Leisure Centres. Kids can also enjoy the following film screenings; Elemental, Raya and The Last Dragon, Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile at Kenneth More Theatre for just £1 per.

Youngsters can get active with sports coaching sessions in tennis, athletics, basketball, and cricket, or learn new digital skills with Lego building and coding. Additionally, there are arts and crafts, theatre workshops, dance, and music workshops. All sessions are inclusive, with specific activities like adapted cycling, water sports, boccia, and kurling available for children with additional needs.

Fabula Reading Challenge
The Fabula Reading Challenge is open for children 2 to 12 years, sign up for FREE at Redbridge Libraries, until 14 September.  Children can discover thousands of books and comics at their local branch or online through the virtual library. On completion of the challenge, each child will receive a certificate and entry into a prize draw. Sign up to to Fabula Reading Challenge here.

Do More in Redbridge
Enhance swimming skills with Swim Crash Courses at Fullwell Cross, Loxford and Mayfield Leisure Centres. Enrol in cycling courses at Redbridge Cycling Centre or explore adventure through water sports camps at Fairlop Outdoor Activity. For aspiring artists, summer theatre courses are available at both Redbridge Drama Centre and Kenneth More Theatre.

For more information, visit our dedicated webpage for Children’s events.