Tag archive: fitness

Introducing the Vision Premier Membership – Elevate your fitness experience in 2024!

Exciting news for fitness enthusiasts in Redbridge as Vision RCL is launching – a brand new membership, the Vision Premier. This membership offers tons of perks to give you the most exciting and diverse fitness journey. plus no joining fee when you join throughout January! Priced competitively at £65 per month, plus no joining fee

Begin your journey back to fitness with Vision leisure centres

As Redbridge approaches step 2 of the roadmap out of lockdown, we will begin to see the re-opening of local facilities.  As part of this next step, Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure are thrilled to re-open their Leisure Centres from Monday 12 April. To welcome customers back to fitness, Vision are offering a special welcome

Bounce yourself fit!!

New trampolining courses start Monday 25 November at Wanstead Leisure Centre. Come and join us to have fun, learn new skills and enjoy a fun way to keep fit. 5.30pm – 6.30pm Juniors 5 – 11yrs6.30pm – 7.30pm Juniors 11 – 15yrs7.30pm – 8.30pm Adults 16yrs+ For more information or to book a space contact