Terms & ConditionsEnvironmental Education and Outdoor Learning in Redbridge • Vision RCL

Terms & Conditions
Environmental Education and Outdoor Learning in Redbridge


1) Schools and community groups must give a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice when enquiring about an environmental education session. The date, time, and number of visits booked is subject to the availability of the rangers and site.

2) Hainault Forest education sessions can be requested for Tuesdays and Thursdays.  

3) Ray Park Nature Conservation education sessions can be requested for Wednesdays.  

4) The maximum class size per session is 30 children.


5) Activity of choice is selected on the Booking form.

6) Each session will last for approximately an hour and a half (90 minutes) either in the morning (10-11.30am) or afternoon (1-2.30pm).  Start times can be amended on request.

Other Information About the Activity

7) Please ensure each child brings a packed lunch and water as the session may not be based near any facilities.


8) £150 per session + VAT.

Health & Safety

9) The school will be expected to provide enough adults to ensure the children are adequately supervised during the trip. Schools are ultimately responsible for disciplining the children. The required adult to child ratio is 1:6.

10) The health and safety of the children remains the responsibility of the school at all times.  Schools are responsible for completing their own risk assessment. We recommend you come to the site in order to prepare your risk assessment prior to the session, this can be arranged with a ranger. Schools must supply their own first aid kit and ensure that children carry with them any necessary medical supplies, e.g. asthma pumps, epi-pens, etc.

11) If any of the children have special educational needs, the ranger must be made aware of this prior to the visit. Special needs assistants must accompany those children who need them.

12) If any of the children have access requirements, please inform us upon booking.

13) Please ensure that the children wear suitable clothing and sturdy footwear and be mindful of additional clothing in the event of adverse weather i.e. jackets, raincoats.

Booking Process

14) All applications for hire shall be made on the approved booking form. The named applicant shall be deemed to be the responsible hirer, to whom all correspondence will be sent. Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure (Vision RCL) shall have absolute discretion as to the letting of the premises. If Vision RCL considers that injury/damage may be occasioned to its employees and/or premises, it will refuse to accept a booking and/or cancel future bookings.

15) For any enquiries with regards to:

Confirmation, Payments and Cancellation Charges

16) Once a booking form is received and availability has been established, we will send a confirmation e-mail. Schools will be invoiced by Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure after their visit has taken place.

17) If any of the equipment is lost or damaged as a result of the hire, the full cost of the replacement and/or repair shall be met by the school. The amount of any charge shall be at the discretion of the Vision RCL, and costs may be recovered as a debt. The same applies if any damage is caused to the building or if any property owned by Vision RCL or the café tenants are lost or missing as a result of the hire.

18) If you cancel your session less than two weeks before the due date of the session, you will still be invoiced for the full amount. If the Ranger needs to cancel due to extreme weather or other unforeseen circumstances, another session will be re-arranged at no extra cost or you can opt to be refunded.